How we help

GEMSA NT aims to support and grow the minerals exploration sector in the Northern Territory of Australia by promoting mineral exploration in the Northern Territory, and by championing Geological, Exploration and Mining Services and Suppliers operating here on the ground. GEMSA NT will also support the commercial interests of its members, to foster the viability and depth of local services into the future.

A key aim is to draw together the wealth of local experience and knowledge, promote those services and suppliers to the mining and exploration companies operating in the Northern Territory, and provide an opportunity for members to collaborate and win work. These services are FREE to members.


Mineral Exploration Services

If you currently offer services to the mineral exploration sector of the Northern Territory, or have the ability to, we want you or your business to become a member of GEMSA NT. We will promote your services through our NT Services and Suppliers register and give you access to a network of opportunities through our members-only Jobs Board. Help us to grow a strong minerals exploration sector in the Northern Territory.


Mineral Exploration Suppliers

If you currently provide supplies to the mineral exploration sector of the Northern Territory, or have the ability to, we want you or your business to become a member of GEMSA NT. We will promote your available goods through our NT Services and Suppliers register and provide you access to a network of opportunities through our members-only Jobs Board. Help us to grow a strong minerals exploration sector in the Northern Territory.


Mineral Explorers

If you or your company are exploring in the Northern Territory, please consider becoming a member of GEMSA NT to help support and grow the local minerals exploration business sector in the Northern Territory, which ultimately benefits all of us. We want you to identify and contact NT Services and Suppliers via our register and if you do become a member, allow you to directly communicate with services and suppliers via our members-only Jobs Board. Help us grow a strong minerals exploration sector in the Northern Territory.



To help maintain viable Northern Territory - based mineral exploration, mining and support industries through increased local employment and business opportunities, streamlined land access and permitting procedures, networking, community education and regional wealth creation.



The promotion of opportunities and advocacy for resolution of issues that are of vital importance for the viability and sustainability of the mineral exploration and mining sector in the Northern Territory.

  • Employment opportunities for NT based members
  • Maximising “local content” in NT projects
  • Networking opportunities between members
  • Cooperation with other industry and professional bodies

Management Committee

Geoff Eupene


Lance Martin


Gary Price


Tanya Cole


Geoff Farnell


Ray Wooldridge


Nick Johansen


Jerry Amato


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