Geoff Farnell, founding Treasurer of GEMSA NT, commenced work at Groote Eylandt with BHP Minerals as an Environmental Scientist. He subsequently worked at BHP mine sites at Singleton, Newcastle and Parkes in NSW where he built and operated a small open cut gold mine for BHP Gold and Newcrest. He has worked as a lobbyist for the Minerals Council of Australia in Canberra and for the former Northern Territory Department of Mines and Energy (now known as the Department of Industry, Innovation and Trade). Geoff also established the Northern Territory Office of Territory Development/Major Project’s unit which led to the construction of the Darwin LNG plant based upon the Bayu-Undan petroleum field in the Timor Sea. Geoff currently manages a small consultancy business in Darwin, focused on assisting mineral, petroleum and quarry/extractive companies with their tenure management, work programs and environmental management plans.